The Human-Animal Connection Podcast
We believe animals are communicating all the time -now it's time for us to learn to listen.
Join us as we explore the 33 Principles and Healing Methods of The Human-Animal Connection. As animal lovers, we know that you share our commitment to making the world a kinder place for all creatures. Together, let's embrace the transformative healing power of The Human-Animal Connection.
EP 63
Pilots to the Rescue
Flying animals out of disaster areas, or from shelters that are overrun is the mission of Pilots to the Rescue. Pilot Michael Schneider tells heart-warming stories of helping animals get out of bad situations and get to better ones! Michael explains that every year close to a million homeless pets are euthanized in the US, primarily due to a lack of space in crowded shelters. With their non-profit organization, they are able to coordinate with shelters who are in dire circumstances and transport the animals to help them find loving homes with families who have open arms and hearts. Helping at risk animals is the mission of Pilots to the Rescue, and learn how the animals do in flight, as they make their way to safety. Their goal for the year 2025 is to save 2,500 animal souls. Listen to this show and feel inspired about how we change the destiny of animals.
EP 62
Penelope Smith on Animal Consciousness
Penelope Smith, Author of Animal Talk, Interspecies Telepathic Communication, has been lecturing and teaching Animal Communication all over the world for decades. In this episode she explains her deep feelings and understanding of Animal Consciousness. She explains that all beings are conscious. They have emotions and make choices and decisions; they have intentions and a purpose in life. We can learn so much from communicating with them about what is important to them, what they think of us, and how they can teach us so much about who we really are.
EP 61
Healing is in your hands when you learn the art of Tapping, which is like acupuncture without needles. This gentle and friendly technique, called EFT for Emotional Freedom Technique, is loved by most animals and you can learn how to do it yourself to increase the bond and to promote physical, mental and emotional healing. In this episode, Jondi Whitis explains how she uses tapping to bring calm, relieve separation anxiety and help all animals feel better in their bodies and minds. Tapping has no side effects, and you can’t do it wrong, so it is the perfect method to add to your animal-wellness toolbox. Jondi first learned tapping to help herself and other humans, but soon discovered what a powerful method it was for all beings.
EP 60
Behavioral Euthanasia
Nobody wants to think about euthanasia. It is one thing if an animal is ill, suffering, and has reached the end of the possibilities of medical intervention. It is quite another thing to consider putting a physically healthy animal down who has mental illness and behavioral issues that are dangerous to themselves or others. This is a difficult subject to face, but thousands of people live lives of quiet desperation, unable to let their dog interact with others, or not able to easily leave the dog alone.
EP 59
What is an Animal Chaplain
Animal Chaplains help people through all stages and phases of their animal’s life. Many times, when people are preparing for the transition, there are so many complex emotions, and you really want to talk to someone who understands the depths of the experience of pet loss. Animal Chaplains are non-denominational and accept people from all faiths, no faiths, and belief systems. Animal Chaplains can help you identify what you need to process this experience, or to create a customized ceremony to celebrate the life of an animal. Animal Chaplains respect the human-animal relationship in all its many phases of love, joy and loss. It is always good to have a plan for transition and Animal Chaplains can walk with you through this experience, so that it may be as beautiful and sacred as possible. Rev. Sarah Bowen is the cofounder of Compassion Consortium, and trains potential Animal Chaplains. Her book Sacred Sendoffs is available online.
EP 58
How Horses Inspire Our Creativity
Kate Hawkes was raised in Australia with and by horses! Her father gave her some very wise advice when she was ten years old after a horse “threw her.” He said, “The horse didn’t throw you. You fell off. What were you doing – or not doing – that make the horse knock you off?” The wisdom of recognizing that horses are mirrors for our energy, our behavior, our deeper feelings has helped shape Kate’s healing work with others. The wisdom of horses has inspired Kate to work with many people who are on their healing journey to express their creativity and to truly be themselves. Horses are expert teachers at being true to their own feelings, and because of this, they can clearly see our own selves. Being around healing horses and being truly seen -- can help us to recognize our inner lives and to learn to express ourselves in creative, honest, and joyful ways.
EP 57
Abandoned Dogs Give Hope to Many
With so many abandoned dogs in shelters, it is easy to lose hope. But for the dogs who do get adopted, lives are changed forever. Not just for the dogs -- but for the people who open their homes and hearts. Katherine Carver is the author and photojournalist of the beautiful book: Abandoned: Chronicling the Journeys of Once Forsaken Dogs which has been endorsed by Jane Goodall. It shows heartfelt photos of dogs left in shelters – sad, lonely, hungry – and then once adopted a follow-up one year later in photos and stories of their happy lives and the joy they have brought to their new families. These inspiring stories of resilience will make you want to run to your shelter and take a little ball of love home!
EP 56
Down the Rabbit Hole – A Conversation with a Rabbit Named Spot & Paloma Baertschi
Spot is a rabbit. But not just your “everyday rabbit.” He is a philosopher who has narrated a book on human-life to his person, Animal Communicator Paloma Baertschi. The book is called “You Set Your Own Limits” and offers much practical wisdom to those of us living in human bodies. This book tells the remarkable story of how Spot insisted that his person needed to learn more before he would speak to her. For two years, he repeated the message that he was a philosopher, and she wasn’t ready to understand what he had to say. Paloma didn’t give up. She refined her understanding and her skills of animal communication, and to this day, the conversation continues. ​
EP 55
Talking Turkey with Ellie Laks -
The Gentle Barn
When was the last time you had a serious conversation with a Turkey? For Ellie Laks, co-creator of the Gentle Barn, this is a regular occurrence. At her rescue barn, the female turkeys love to cuddle with kids and adults. Looking the person in the eye, they spread their wings, exposing their hearts, and meet people at such a pure and profound level that it often brings tears to their eyes – the human’s eyes! Ellie has been an animal communicator since childhood, and she has had such powerful conversations with her rescue turkeys that it will make your jaw drop and your heart open. These are not just “dumb animals” or meals for holidays. These turkeys have expressed very specific desires and have shown just how truly in service they are to the human race. Ellie Laks is the author of My Gentle Barn and Cow Hug Therapy.​
EP 53
Animal Wisdom and Returning Souls
Debbie McGillivray has been a professional animal communicator for over 25 years. She is the author of three books and has worked with clients across the globe, and with wild animals in sanctuaries. She has learned about the deep wisdom and love that animals who share our lives have for us. Hear about horses who are capable of great forgiveness, animals who have come to both learn and teach us lessons about how to live a gentler, kinder life.
EP 54
Cow Hug Therapy – with Ellie Laks –
The Gentle Barn
If you’ve never been hugged by a cow, you haven’t been fully loved. Ellie Laks, the cofounder of The Gentle Barn rescues farm animals and cows and some of them become therapy cows. Cows are matriarchal, and their priority in life is their family. This might explain some of their compassionate, calm, empathetic, gentle nature. The cows at her barn love to love. And people are transformed by thousands of pounds of mutual tenderness. But Ellie does not just rescue cows.​
EP 52
Teaching Your Dog Rocket Recall
If you are ever faced with an emergency, are you certain you could call your dog’s name and he or she will instantly return to your side? That is an essential and trainable skill – that can save lives. Lisa Waggoner is an all-positive dog trainer who created a method called Rocket Recall where a dog instantly and happily rushes back to you the moment they hear that cue. She explains why this training is based on a sense of safety and trust, and a deep bond between you and your dog, so that they are motivated to come to you. Find out the major challenges and mistakes and how you can learn to use these joy-affirming methods so you and your dog can feel safe in each other’s presence.
EP 51
Canine Cognitive Psychotherapy –
Billie Groom
Billie Groom has been a canine behavioral consultant and “dogologist” for over 30 years. Looking beyond training methodology, she gets to the core of behavior through understanding canine emotions. Working with her methods of changing how dogs perceive reality, and changing their decisions about how they react to common stressors, she has been able to help thousands of rescue dogs in many countries.
EP 50
Animal Soul Loss and Retrieval –
Judy Ramsey
Sometimes mysterious behavior is the result of Soul Loss in an animal. A part of their soul has been separated from them, perhaps due to trauma, complex grief, or extreme reaction to the loss of a human or animal companion. Judy Ramsey is a Shamanic Teacher and Practitioner and professional animal communicator. She helps people and their animals with a Shamanic Journey to help animals who have lost a piece of their soul. Soul loss often results in extreme behaviors, both passive and aggressive, and the inability to have a balanced and happy life. The good news is that it is possible to help an animal get reconnected with their soul, which leads to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual rebalance. Judy tells stories of animals who were suffering physical and emotional pain and had pieces of their soul departed. After the journey to retrieve the missing parts of their souls, they regained their sense of equilibrium and joy in life.
EP 49
Loving the End of Life
After being a nurse for thirty years, Karen Thomas followed her childhood dream of creating a sanctuary for dogs with terminal illness. Her goal was to create “the best last days of their lives.” And, since she was an energy healer, and animal communicator, she was able to ask the dog, “What do you want to do today?” Their answers always surprised her and will inspire you. One dog asked for a ride in a golf cart, through the neighborhood, meeting friends and getting a pupsickle. Giving this dog the best day of his life was transformative for her and for the dog.
EP 48
Healing is in Your Hands
We all have the ability to give healing touch to our animals. Dr. Edward Bassingwaighte, an Australian veterinarian who is both trained in traditional medicine and holistic veterinary medicine explains his method of Whole Energy Body Balance, which he teaches in person and online. His unique perspectives on “Animal’s Invisible Pain” shed light on many mysterious health issues and even behavioral issues that haven’t responded to training.
EP 47
Soulmate Dog
Once in a lifetime, we experience love with an animal unlike any other kind of love. Michelle Slater tells the true story of her soulmate dog, Brady, and how profound their connection was at every level. Anyone who met them could feel it and would say, “He’s your soulmate.”
When Brady faced a life-threatening illness leading to kidney failure, Michelle worked with an animal communicator, to guide her through every step of the harrowing medical journey. Michelle always consulted with her dog, Brady, to understand what he wanted and how he felt about continuing treatment. His observations, opinions and desires were clearly communicated, and Brady was a full-partner in the medical decisions and directions Michelle took. He recovered for a year, and when it was time, he fully orchestrated every detail of his passing. This inspiring story shows us how communicating with animals changes our relationship to embrace our Soul Equality.
EP 46
Fostering Kittens
There is nothing more adorable than kittens playing and cuddling. Have you ever thought about fostering kittens from the shelter? You can help give them love, comfort and security to make them ready for adoption. Shelters are overrun with kittens, and fostering kittens is the only way they will survive. Listen to Kathleen Roscher, a seasoned Kitten Fosterer to learn what you need to do to understand if kitten fostering is right for you. Bringing these little fluffy balls of love and life into your home can be one of the most rewarding things you can do – if you are ready for tiny, furry love.
EP 45
Lullabies for Dogs
Using the power of the sound of the human heartbeat combined with lullabies has a remarkable effect on dogs! Terry Woodford, a hit record producer, who worked with the Supremes and all the top bands, created lullabies with human heartbeats. These recordings were tested in neonatal baby cardiac units, and the music restored normal heartbeat in fifteen seconds. Parents with premature babies discovered not only did it reduce crying, but it calmed their dogs also. Terry’s Canine Lullabies are now played in over 4,000 animal shelters and calms whole rows of dogs down in less than two minutes. Calm dogs experience better outcomes in shelters including less kennel cough, less digestive upsets, and more rapid adoptions. These Canine Lullabies relax dogs, children and those will Alzheimer’s. These lullabies help calm dogs with thunder reactivity and other phobias. You will be inspired listening to the power of sound to transform mood, energy and emotions.
EP 44
Give Your Dog a Choice
When we have dogs inside our homes, we give them so much love and care. But we also take something important away from them – the feeling of autonomy, the ability to make decisions that impact their life. We control what they eat, what they do and when they do it. This has a price in their quality of life and can lead to boredom and behaviors we don’t appreciate. Bryndan Golya, CDBC, is a certified dog behavior consultant, through IAABC. He is the owner of OC Canine Coaching. His programs focus on solutions to behavior issues using reward-based methodology. He explains how paying attention to your dog’s non-verbal signals and body language can help you to be in sync with each other and make household life with dogs so much more rewarding and filled with joy.
EP 43
Healing Touch for Animals
Energy Healing can reach places that haven’t responded to traditional medical methods. Carol Komitor is the creator of Healing Touch for Animals, a systematic method to reverse illness and trauma. Since 1996 she and her team have worked with over 15,000 people and their pets. This method is safe, gentle and works with the body’s natural healing wisdom. Carol reveals how working with trauma means repairing the leaks in the energy field that keep both people and animals in the “fight-flight-or freeze” state. Repairing the energy field allows the body to heal more rapidly, because the person or animal is not losing their vital protection and thus they can heal much faster. Carol also talks about how to help animals who are in the process of transitioning.
EP 42
Is Commercial Food Making Your Dog Sick?
Is commercial dog food making your dog sick? Find out why and what you can do about it! Michele Broderick, the daughter of famous veterinarian Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick, explains how her father began in intense study into why animals were not healing – and fifty years ago began researching the value of organic foods and essential nutrients. His company Cornucopia Pet Foods makes 100% organic dog food that is helping dogs to thrive and live long and healthy lives. Dr. Broderick uses only human-grade food and asks the question, “Why would we ever want to feed our beloved pets foods that we would never eat?” This episode will inspire you to take control of your dog’s health and longevity.
EP 41
Karen Koehler – What Horses Have to Say About Death
An End-of-Life Doula for all animals, speaks about her journey with helping horses as they prepare for death. By preparing the horse for what is coming and how it will be, it allows others in the herd to say goodbye and for the horse to leave with peace and calm. Hear the stories of helping horses transition from this world to the next with Karen Koehler, who is a Pet Loss Grief specialist and animal chaplain. This podcast deals with the reality of death in a sweet, gentle, and poignant way that helps humans and their horses be better prepared for the change of life.
EP 40
Talking to Horses
Have you ever wondered what horses are feeling or thinking? Energy Healer and Animal Communicator, Adele Kristiansson works with world-championship horses to help understand what they need and why they are behaving the way they are. Working in partnership with trainers and owners, she has received and given life-saving insights “straight from the horse’s mouth.” Discover how horses communicate telepathically with each other, and over great distances. And how one horse will help reveal what another horse needs to thrive. When we work in partnership with horses, and listen to what they have to say, everything good happens.
EP 39
Communicating with Animals Who Have Passed
Three expert animal communicators tell their stories of communicating with animals who have passed. Yes! It is possible to remain connected beyond death. And some of their helper animals joined us during the podcast to add their thoughts and feelings to our conversation about communicating “beyond the beyond.” Listen to this informative and heartfelt warming episode as Karen, Julie and Meredith from the Animal Communication Collective speak about their journey to become professional animal communicators and how their helper animals guide them and offer insight in every reading they do.
EP 38
Teaching Shelter Dogs to Send Telepathic Messages to their Perfect Future Owners
Paloma Baerschi has been an Animal Communicator since 2001. She lives in Switzerland – and her stories of communicating with animals are nothing short of extraordinary. In this episode she talks about how she taught shelter dogs to envision their perfect life, with the perfect human. They sent their messages “out into the ether” – and some humans felt an unmistakable call to drive many miles, crossing several countries, to find their “Soul Dog.” Paloma tells how she found “her” dog this way and how you can learn to not miss these subtle messages from the dog who is waiting for you!
EP 37
Zack Skow – Pawsitive Change –
How Shelter Dogs Saved a Dying Man
Zack Skow came from a high performing military family. But taking a few wrong turns almost killed him. Find out how a former alcoholic and drug addict facing liver failure at a young age – found his way back to healing and commitment to life through helping shelter dogs. Now Zack has created a program for incarcerated people to learn to train shelter dogs and prepare them to be adopted in forever homes. Over ten thousand inmates have graduated, and 500 dogs have been saved from euthanasia in shelters. Find out how these dogs changed the lives and the fate of serious offenders and helped them turn their lives around. And how loving a dog can change the fate of a man.
EP 36
Paloma Baerschi – How a Rabbit Taught a Human How to Communicate
Is it possible that a rabbit could know more about Animal Communication than a human? It is. Find out how a rabbit trained a human to become a renowned animal communicator. Join us for a conversation with Paloma Baertschi from Switzerland on how rabbits have helped her develop her skills, have assisted with life-saving medical knowledge, and changed the course of her life forever. This episode will challenge you to view animal intelligence from a whole new perspective.
EP 35
Homeopathic Treatments for Dogs
Jody Teiche has been practicing holistic care for humans and dogs for decades. She is a doggie health coach that does in-depth analysis of the minute details of health and wellness when dogs are having conditions that traditional methods haven’t been able to solve. Learn some very important insights into healthy and raw food diets and how a homeopathic remedy might be just the ticket to help your dog thrive. Sometimes, we need to look outside the box and find solutions for our beloved furry friends. Jody is a Certified Pet Nutritionist and Energy Medicine Practitioner.
EP 34
How a Dog Photographer Helps Rescues
Dog Photography can help shelters in so many ways. Renown photographer and rescuer Mindy Dutka describes some of the ways she uses taking beautiful pictures of shelter dogs to raise funds for shelters. She takes dogs who have been in the shelter for a very long time and need some glamor to find a home. Dutka pairs pet brands that need promotion with dogs who need homes. These photos have a life on social media, so the word gets out to rescue these special pups and seniors. Many of these dogs have been adopted because she captures the soul essence in the dog’s eyes. Learn some tips about how to take better photos of your dogs from this expert to make these images irresistible. Dutka also helps community spay and neuter programs in Mexico that do 400 animals a day working with both homeless dogs and families who can’t afford veterinary care.
EP 33
Divine Connections
Is it possible that your relationship with the animal who shares, (or did share their life with you) is a Divine Connection? That is what this episode explores. Do animals have individual souls? Can they come back in another body? As Will Rogers said, “If there are no dogs in Heaven, I want to go where they went.” We can learn to communicate with animals when they are with us in physical form – and even after they have passed. This is so important to experience the continuity of consciousness. We discuss the difference in the way it feels to send a message versus receiving a message. It is so important to be able to learn the difference in how it feels to see-hear-or feel messages from animals. This episode includes some eye-opening experiences of animal communication that confirms that death is just a doorway to a deeper level of connection.
EP 32
Ethical Connections
With so many ethical questions relating to how humans treat animals, it can feel overwhelming. We suggest picking one area of interest that speaks to your heart. It could be protecting one species, or it could be animal welfare issues right in your neighborhood. Can you work with others who care about this issue? Can you donate to organizations that are really helping? Can you volunteer or educate lawmakers? No one can save the world alone – but together we can make a difference. This episode explores both some of the issues such as how many farm animals are being raised in terrible conditions, and animal testing – which is 95% INEFFECTIVE with humans – even if they pass animal trials. We explore one important way we can make animal testing more humane. Just thinking about doing one good thing can lift morale and give meaning to your life.
EP 31
Power Animals and Spirit Guides
I believe that everyone can have a connection with their animal spirit guide or power animal. Often we will have more than one as each brings different wisdom. Black Hawk said that there was a time that we all could talk to animals with the same ease as we speak to other human-animals. Learn how each animal brings its own guidance and connecting with your animal guide can help us navigate the twists and turns of our life with greater ease. Perhaps you would like to learn how to see signs in clouds as is done in the Hawaiian tradition. Or to see signs in all aspects of nature. Life gets easier and richer when we can receive guidance from the animal and nature kingdoms.
EP 30
​The Power of Names
The spirit of a being is carried in the name. This is why it is important to choose the right name for the animal who shares your life. There are no bad names, but some names do not support the spirit of the animal to express themselves. In some cases (about 15%) when I work with clients who perhaps adopted a shelter dog with the “wrong” name – and they are curious to discover a better name. When we find the right name, much behavior improves. Dogs can easily learn new names, and when we find their “true” name – their spirit blossoms. In this episode we explore some stories of animals who had a name that didn’t serve them – and what changed in their lives when we found their right name.
EP 29
Animals on Purpose
Every animal has a purpose. Not all animals are aware of this purpose, but some are. It is our job as humans to listen to their true purpose and not impose our desires on them. Animals are connected to their true nature and if we share our lives with animals, it is our job to support them – and ourselves – to live as close to our authentic essence as we can. In this episode I tell stories about finding, losing, and re-finding purpose – both for animals and humans. I ask three questions to help people get on track with living their purpose. When we find ourselves in alignment with purpose, which is like having an internal GPS, life gets calmer, more focused, more joyous. Come with us on this journey of cultivating purpose for ourselves and the animals who share our lives.
EP 28
The Soul of An Animal
Do Animals have souls? I give my explanation for my answer and for evidence of continuity of individual consciousness through my hundreds of communications with animals who have passed over. In this episode I tell a few stories that give me confidence that we have more than one life, and so do our animals. Being able to communicate with animals means that we are not limited by space, time, or physicality. Explore the possibility of death as a doorway to a new connection, not an ending. There is great peace to be experienced even as we process deep grief, through connecting with our animals who are no longer with us here and now.
EP 27
Freedom of Choice
How can we give animals who share our lives a greater sense of freedom of choice? This essential ingredient is so important to the well-being of animals. In this episode we explore the major five freedoms that animals need for their well-being. And we also explore the emotional needs for freedom of choice so that we can help animals who share our lives a sense of freedom which leads to greater balance of emotional states. There are many small things we can do to make a big impact on the quality of life for animals.
EP 26
The Secret of Balance
Animals have an innate sense of balance. This is the secret to having a good life. We can learn so much by watching how animals balance activity and rest, connection and separation, their desire for touch and not touching. We explore how some dogs are primarily introverts, and others are extroverts. Understanding this primary temperament helps us understand how to create a more balanced life for their individual nervous system. We also explore how some dogs are more attached to routines, and others have a need for newness -- new people, places, and things. Understanding how to provide more balance for your dog improves your life and theirs.
EP 29
Animals on Purpose
Every animal has a purpose. Not all animals are aware of this purpose, but some are. It is our job as humans to listen to their true purpose and not impose our desires on them. Animals are connected to their true nature and if we share our lives with animals, it is our job to support them – and ourselves – to live as close to our authentic essence as we can. In this episode I tell stories about finding, losing, and re-finding purpose – both for animals and humans. I ask three questions to help people get on track with living their purpose. When we find ourselves in alignment with purpose, which is like having an internal GPS, life gets calmer, more focused, more joyous. Come with us on this journey of cultivating purpose for ourselves and the animals who share our lives.
EP 25
Animals Can Teach Us About Rhythm, Timing & Distance
Animals – and all of nature moves to a rhythm we don’t always comprehend. As a species we have lost so much of our sense of natural rhythm. This can result in the tremendous crisis of sleep we humans have, struggling to turn off the mind and surrender to relaxation. Animals have an innate sense of the rhythms of nature – and also a musicality that we are just learning more about. And animals have a sense of the perfect space or distance for any interaction. When we pay close attention to our unique sense of distance, many interactions are smoother because we aren’t violating each other’s sense of space.
EP 24
How Animals Help Us Change Our Relationship to Time
Animals have a wonderful wisdom about time. They know how to fully enjoy the present moment – and they can also anticipate joyful events that they know are coming. Animals can teach us to be more flexible about how we relate to time – so we are not limited by our habitual patterns. Having an inflexible relationship to time makes us feel like we are always “losing” time. When we open our sense of “Now Time” we can begin to feel how we have all the time in the world. Being with animals helps us be more in this moment and to let that experience fill all our senses.
EP 23
The Order of the Senses –
Letting the Nose Lead
Dogs use their noses first – it is how they get the most information from the world. Of course, they are also using their eyes and ears, but when they are relaxed, it is the nose that gives them the most information. Dogs who are stressed often have their senses out of order, which makes them more reactive to sounds and motion. We can help them get their senses “back in order” which reduces their anxiety, panic barking, and pacing. The power of the nose to help a dog resettle is an amazing way we can help the animals who share our lives to feel safe, calm, and at ease.
EP 22
You’ve seen your dog “shake it off” – and not just when they are wet. Animals do something very wise – they shake out the stress! We even see this in the wild, when a prey animal escapes a predator’s pursuit, the first thing they do when they know they are safe is “shake off” the cascade of adrenaline, cortisol. and stress chemistry. This is what helps them be more resilient, and to not carry the trauma. This allows them to be in the present time because they are not carrying the chemistry of stress. Humans can learn much from watching how resilient animals are, and we can also help the animals who share our lives to be in present time.
EP 21
The Natural Impulses of Towards & Away
Animals have a natural sense of moving toward what is good, safe, and desired -- and away from what is bad, unsafe or negative. Unless they have been traumatized – then this alert system gets out of whack! Then this Towards & Away natural guidance system begins to give false messages and interferes with their ability to trust. When we help them to slowly heal their natural guidance system, they can trust safe people and places and this greatly reduces stress and anxiety, because they can trust their own instincts again. Learn how we can help them restore their natural sense of goodness and safety.
EP 20
Connectivity and Belonging
The sense of connection and belonging is essential to feeling that you “fit” in your life. But both people and animals can get separated from this sense of belonging. We are social animals, but everyone has different needs for HOW much social connection they need. If we understand this about the animals who share our lives, the differences in temperament – between introverted and extroverted animals and how to best protect their needs – they will be a lot less stressed. Find out why dogs really are “social geniuses” when it comes to reading human emotions.
EP 19
Trust: The Foundation of Healing
Trust is the foundation for healthy connections – with people or animals. But life presents many opportunities to lose our sense of trust. I am a certified Trust Technique Practitioner and, in this episode, we explain why trust is so important to help humans and animals move forward with their lives – and to thrive. I will tell a story about a little mouse in the shelter who taught me so much about the circle of trust, and how people and animals can share this exquisite feeling for the benefit of all.
EP 18
Rebuilding a Sense of Safety
All beings have a right to feel safe. But not all of us do – humans -- or animals in a human world. When we are doing healing work with animals, the first step in The Human-Animal Connection method is to evaluate the sense of safety that an animal feels. If their “Safety Tank” is low, our first task is to help them raise their sense of safety. In this episode we explain our method, that works with both animals and people and helps us all regain a calm sense of “You’re okay!” This is essential if you are working with shelter animals or your own animals who have experienced trauma or adversity. And we also explain our HAC method of Animal Soul Retrieval for animals who have lost their joy for living.
EP 17
Healing from Trauma: For People and Animals
Dogs, just like people, can have traumatic experiences. The good news is that trauma can be healed in both animals and people. We talk about how to help shelter animals and other dogs who have experienced tremendous adversity. In The Human-Animal Connection we have methods to help them re-train their nervous systems so that the trauma triggers are not controlling their lives. In some cases, this involves “re-puppying” to help restore a fundamental sense of safety that allows the dog to let go of the burden of carrying the trauma and reengage with life. We tell many stories of dogs who have recovered from tremendous adversity. We work at the animal’s pace and help them to get their senses “back in order.” We show how the sense of choice can help heal the debilitating sense of helplessness.
EP 16
Animals: Our Partners in Healing
Animals can help us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Different dogs have different talents and even a specific purpose in life. It is important to recognize an individual dog’s innate talents, opinions, and the ways in which they desire to serve. In this episode we explain the difference between service dogs, emotional support animals, and therapy dogs. We explain the types of work these dogs do and how you can support your dog as they support others. Our high school program, Canines Teach Compassion is powerful and lowers stress by 62% from one-hour of interaction. Dogs can be trained to detect covid, and many other illnesses including cancer. We tell several stories of how dogs can be our true partners in healing.
EP 15
Entering the Language of Silence
Words have power. And silence has power. There is a saying that “in silence all answers can be heard.” Entering the Language of Silence is what allows you to communicate clearly with animals. I have learned how to listen by entering the Language of Silence. In this way we can communicate in a way that is profound and beyond words. In the realm of silence, we can hear our deepest truths, and the truth of the beings who share our lives. Would you like to communicate with your animals? What is it you most want to hear?
EP 14
pt 2
​Part Two: Opening the Door to Animal Communication
In part two of Opening the Door to Animal Communication we explore how better communication leads to better connections in both the human and the animal world. It is an art to simply observe, neutrally, to be open to hear and feel what the animal is really feeling without projecting or interpreting based on our own perspectives. Animals are very honest communicators, which is refreshing. But I tell the story of how a horse “fooled” me – by telling his version of the story, which was not how his owners saw things! I also tell a story about how a group of captive dolphins outsmarted the researchers. And I also tell the story about Beautiful Jim Key, the horse that learned the alphabet. Once we begin communicating with animals, we can never underestimate their intelligence again.
EP 14
pt 1
Part One: Opening the Door to Animal Communication – Animals Are Always Communicating
In part one of this episode, we explore the Seven Steps to Opening the Door to Animal Communication. Begin by letting go of self-doubt that you can communicate with animals. How to begin to trust that YOU can communicate with animals. This is a natural process that many cultures accept, and many young children feel they can communicate until someone convinces them it is not real. Listening is not just an auditory process, it is peaceful receiving, it is very different from thinking. Learning to communicate with animals takes practice to refine your ability to hear clearly, and to be able to send messages. Animals have an emotional fluidity that is very tender and fun to engage with. The joy of being with animals increases significantly when you open the door to animal communication.
EP 13
Honoring Animal Wisdom – Makes Us More Loving People
‘I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is definitely superior’. That comment from Hippolyte Taine reflects the fact that animals have a wisdom that we humans would be wise to honor. From animals who can sense impending natural disasters like earthquakes and storms to animals’ innate sense of who they can trust, by paying attention to what they perceive, our lives are greatly enriched. I have heard so many stories of animals who alerted their person to illness or responded to their emotional needs. When we recognize that animals have a unique wisdom and pay attention to their signals, our lives are greatly improved. Simply recognizing that animals have a special wisdom helps us behave in more loving ways toward them.
EP 12
Relationship Training – The Secret to Better Behavior
If you can communicate with an animal, you can understand any behavior. All behavior is done to get a desired result – sometimes the desire of the human and the animal don’t match. The Human-Animal Connection’s philosophy is that if we focus on relationship training – obedience is the result. If you only focus on obedience, you run the risk of undermining trust and connection. The good news is that relationship training (which is 75% teaching the human how to connect) is 300% more effective than fear-based and coercion training styles. Positive training is good for the relationship, results in faster learning, and longer retention than dominance styles. Learning what your dog considers rewarding makes training fun, easy and reliable. Your dog will show you how they want to be treated -- if you are paying attention.
EP 11
Canines Teach Compassion – Empathy for Animals Makes Us Better People
Canines Teach Compassion is the name of The Human-Animal Connection’s class where we bring therapy dogs into high school classrooms to teach kids to treat themselves – and each other -- better. You can’t be compassionate towards others if you are constantly judging or criticizing or comparing yourself to others. Students learn how to train therapy dogs and at the same time come to appreciate how each dog learns a little differently, as do they. Students see the differences in the dogs (who are all shapes, sizes, colors, and breeds) but also come to see what unites them – they are all dogs. In this way students learn to support their own need to be unique as well as to fit in. Dogs teach lessons in love that are beyond words in the Canines Teach Compassion class.
EP 10
Animals Have Opinions – What that Means for Sharing our Lives Together
Jane Goodall once said, “You cannot share your life with a dog or cat and not know perfectly well that animals have personality, and mind, and opinions.” What does it mean to consider that the animals who share your life have opinions? In my work as an animal communicator, I find it essential to consider that animals have opinions, and they often surprise me. When I listened to Charlotte the donkey, she solved a problem that her human couldn’t see. And cats have had surprising insight into “house politics and fairness.” We can learn to communicate with animals. This is especially valuable for those people who volunteer at shelters, where the dogs are just so grateful to have someone really listen. This episode shows you how your relationship with your animals is transformed when you consider their opinions.
EP 9
The Power of Focus – Mastering Your Emotions and Your Dog’s Mind
Eckhart Tolle once said, “I lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.” If you have shared your life with a cat, you know how they can focus on something with all their being – often something we can’t see. This ability to focus with all their senses in alignment is something we can all benefit from. So many things split our focus – that we don’t even know what feels right and we don’t feel like ourselves anymore. Animals can teach us a lot about the healing power of aligning your focus with the singularity of a laser beam. We can help shelter dogs be more quickly adopted by teaching them how to focus, to make eye contact with humans, It’s hard to walk away from the loving gaze of a dog who knows how to connect. And we teach our high school students this same power, in our Canines Teach Compassion class. Find out how you can use an animal’s power of focus to harness your life force for more good in your life.
EP 8
The Healing Power of Play – How Play Restores the Spirit of People & Animals
“All animals except for man know that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy it,” according to Samuel Butler. Play is truly an essential element of a balanced life. This is as true for people as it is for animals. It is one of the reasons it is so healing to spend delightful time with the animals who share our lives. They remind us to enjoy the simplicity of the moment, the curiosity about new smells, new things and experiences. When I do healing work with shy and traumatized shelter animals, the moment they begin to play, I know we have turned a corner, and have entered the power of present time. Did you know that rats love to be tickled? Now that we have advanced audio equipment, we can hear their laughter in the laboratory. And when the designated tickler enters the room, the rats laugh in anticipation of being tickled. Is there time for play in your life? Find out about the healing power of play for animals -- and human animals to make life worth living.
EP 7
The Language of Touch Connection – How Cuddles Combat Isolation
No matter how crappy your day is, if you have a dog, there is always a happy face waiting for you to come home and cuddle. In today’s world many of us are touch deprived and the hunger for kind and loving touch is very real. And so many people have experienced unwanted touch, that they have shut down the desire to have gentle touch. While gentle touch with animals doesn’t replace the need for human touch, it is a very healing experience, for the animal and for us. That is of course if the touch is what I call “giving touch.” In giving touch, it feels just as good for both sides. In “taking touch” it is like petting on auto pilot, unconsciously, repetitively, and only takes into consideration one side’s desire. Giving Touch is a balanced experience that brings us into a kind and loving state. Just a few minutes of loving touch releases positive feel-good brain chemistry. Touch is a form of communication that can touch the soul.
EP 6
Love Beyond Words – How Sharing Love with Animal Changes Us Both
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only the true friends will leave footprints on your heart.” What is it about animals that elicit pure love? Sometimes we have an ache that only an animal can heal. This is because words can fool us, but animals love in a way that is beyond words. Jeffrey Mason wrote a book called Dogs Never Lie About Love. He speaks about how a dog loves you without any ambiguity. They don’t love you -- but secretly want to change you in a hundred ways. They see your essence. And what is more fulfilling and delightful than to be seen as who we really are? This episode explores our spiritual relationship with animals and how loving an animal transforms us.
EP 5
Animal Presence – How Animals Are Masters of the Present
This episode explores how animals can teach us to be more present. It is a curious thing about being human that being present is the most pleasant experience there is – yet it is so hard for humans to resist the temptation to race into the future or dwell in the past. Animals are thus our partners, or guides showing us the way back home, to being right here, right now. In this episode I speak about how a wild rabbit taught me the power of presence. Being present leads to a state of inner peace and contentment. It is one of the reasons it is so pleasing to be in the presence of animals. We can learn this through loving animals. In fact, Mis Betsy, a traumatized horse taught me so much about how healing is possible through choosing to be right here, right now. As Meister Eckhart said, “The most important hour is always the present. The most significant person is precisely the one sitting across from you right now. The most necessary work is always love.”
EP 6
Love Beyond Words – How Sharing Love with Animal Changes Us Both
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only the true friends will leave footprints on your heart.” What is it about animals that elicit pure love? Sometimes we have an ache that only an animal can heal. This is because words can fool us, but animals love in a way that is beyond words. Jeffrey Mason wrote a book called Dogs Never Lie About Love. He speaks about how a dog loves you without any ambiguity. They don’t love you -- but secretly want to change you in a hundred ways. They see your essence. And what is more fulfilling and delightful than to be seen as who we really are? This episode explores our spiritual relationship with animals and how loving an animal transforms us.
EP 4
Sense-Sational Awareness – How Intuition is Your Path to the Wisdom of the Senses
When you deepen your connection to animals, you awaken your intuition. This is because connecting with animals encourages us to pay attention to our intuition. By sensing the world, as animals do, we become reattuned to the realm of the senses, which will not lead us astray. Logic, while essential to humans, can also lead us to not know what is really true for us, if it is not working in tandem with our “gut sense.” It is the wisdom of the senses that connects us to our animal nature, our sense of what is good and true for us. Animals know instantly if they can trust another being or not. When we connect with this part of ourselves, we know what we need to do, who to trust and where to turn. This episode helps you find your inner sense of safety through listening to your senses. By paying honest attention to your senses, you will know who to trust. As William Ralph Inge quipped, “A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings.”
EP 3
Coming to Your Senses – Awakening Your Sensory Intelligence
The secret to having more pleasure in your life is to come to your senses. Pleasure is something you can only experience in present time. So, if you are dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, your sense of pleasure will be diminished. Animals help us come into the present time because they are grounded in their sensory nature. That is why it is so nice to pet a dog or cat or horse or any animal you love. Sharing sweetness and love with an animal brings us into our sensory nature. Logic is useful, we need it – but it is not the pathway to pleasure. To feel “better” you need your sensory system, to awaken your “animality,” This is your sensory intelligence -- to see, hear, feel and smell the roses of life. In this episode you’ll learn how to awaken your animal senses – and enjoy your life that much more.
EP 2
Connecting to Your Animal Nature –
We Are All Animals
We are all animals. Sometimes we forget that. And we pay a huge price for forgetting. When we are disconnected from our animal nature, it is harder to access our intuition, our sense of what is true for us, and the ability to instantly know what the right decision is, who to trust, what path to take in life. Our animal nature keeps us connected to our innate sensibility – what feels truly “right” for us. - See more at:
EP 1
What Dogs Can Teach Us About Being Good – The Medicine of Good
Do you gaze into your dog’s eyes and say, “Good Doggie!” Not only do those words make them feel good – but they lift your spirits also. This sweet moment creates a circle of good feelings between you. Dogs often feel good, and when we let ourselves be affected by their positive energy, it makes us feel happy too. In this way we can keep our emotional “Goodness Tank” full, making us more resilient and better prepared to face life’s challenges.